PODCAST: Meditation & Mindfulness Ft. Jennifer Reuter

The National Academy of Neuropsychology (NAN): Brain Beat Podcast ft. Jennifer Reuter

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Attention Matters. It has a tremendous effect on our brain health and overall well-being.

In this podcast, Jennifer Reuter (Director of Blue Lotus Kailua) differentiates meditation and mindfulness, defining mindfulness as more than just paying attention but a practice that cultivates traits such as kindness, friendliness, nonjudgment, and receptivity. She compares meditation to yoga since both seek to cultivate wholeness.

In addition, Jennifer explains contemplative neuroscience and changes in the body and brain due to contemplative practice. She further highlights the benefits of meditation to improve quality of life, for example, increased attention span, stability, ability to concentrate, physical healing, peace, and decreased metabolism, heart, and breathing rates.

Other subjects include mindfulness in the age of digitalization, self-compassion, and self-soothing – topics that are both timeless and timely, especially given the many challenges that the world presents us with these days.

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NAN Foundation brings knowledge of brain and behavior to the public. Brain injury and brain disease can be life-changing and confusing.

NAN breaks down big brain topics into practical and informative points while serving as a resource and support for individuals, families and communities.